This Grand Prix Tournament will also be an Ontario Challenge Chess Qualifier. The top 10% of scores per grade will qualify.
U8 U10 U12 U14 U18 or U9 U11 U13 U15 U18
1st 150$ 150$ 150$ 150$ 150$
2nd 100$ 100$ 100$ 100$ 100$
3rd 50$ 50$ 50$ 50$ 50$
500$ to be divided amongst all players who score 7.5 points or more and did not win one of the regular prizes
Born after Jan 1, 2017 - U8
Born after Jan 1, 2015 - U10
Born after Jan 1, 2013 - U12
Born after Jan 1, 2011 - U14
Born after Jan 1, 2007 - U18
Age Categories: (As of January 1, 2025)
Tournament by age categories. Players who earn the most points during the 3 tournaments will be eligible for the regular prizes. All players who score more than 7.5 points and did not win one of the regular prizes will share 500$. (All prizes are in the form of cash or check)
Schedule: The tournament begins at 1 PM and finishes at 4:30PM. Please check in between 12:30 and 1 PM. Each round will be 15min + 5 sec inc
Official Tournament: CMA rated, Medals for top 3, top per each grade, top 3 females
Location: Bell High School Cafeteria, 40 Cassidy Rd, Nepean, ON K2H 6K1
Online Registration: 40$ Entry Fee
Must register before 10PM Feb 21
No registrations onsite allowed
Contact Information
Facebook: Ottawa Cavaliers Chess Academy
Phone Number: 613-355-7023